Road construction and maintenance materials
Milled material from deformed asphalt pavements can be recycled using Awazel emulsions and sphalts.
Hot and cold applied crack sealants from Awazel.
Awazel cutbacks, ionic and cationic emulsions can be applied as prime or tack coats.
Awazel penetration grade asphalts and PG asphalts are available for hot mixes of asphalt paving.
- Rutting
- Crack filling on milled surface.
- Optional Stress Absorbing Reinforced Interlayer modified asphalt (SARI) will prevent the reoccurrence of cracking in the new wearing course.
- Tack coat using cutback asphalt, cationic or anionic emulsions.
- New wearing course penetration grade or modified asphalt.
Bridge waterproofing
- Primer.
- A modified bitumen membrane with 2 carriers: one of polyester and one of glassfibre is used. The fibre glass is considered to be sacrificial during the rolling of the hot asphalt wearing course.
- Rolling of the hot asphalt wearing course.
New road construction
- Rutting.
- Crack filling on milled surface.
- Optional Stress Absorbing Reinforced Interlayer modified asphalt (SARI) will prevent the reoccurrence of cracking in the new wearing course.
- Tack coat using cutback asphalt, cationic or anionic emulsions.
- New wearing course penetration grade or modified asphalt.